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Arrr! Egyptian scallywags scrap pyramid makeover, claim 'Giza pyramids be just fine, mateys!' Aye, no need for fuss!


Arrr, ye scallywags! The Menkaure Pyramid Review Committee be scrapin' their plans to fancy up the ol' pyramid with claddin'. They be worried about preservin' the ancient beauty. Aye, let her stay weathered and rugged like a true pirate's treasure! Arrr!

Egyptian officials recently decided to call off their plans to revamp the pyramid of Menkaure due to concerns about preserving the historic site. The smallest of the three main Giza pyramids, the pyramid of Menkaure is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The Menkaure Pyramid Review Committee announced the cancellation of the renovation project, specifically objecting to reinstalling the ancient granite casing blocks that had been around the base of the pyramid for thousands of years.Zahi Hawass, the head of the committee, expressed worries about using cement to clad the blocks, which could potentially damage the ancient structure. He reassured the public that the pyramids of Giza were safe and no harm would come to them. Despite the initial excitement about the renovation proposal, the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziri, stressed the importance of thorough planning and study before undertaking any work on such significant archaeological sites.Overall, the message from the committee and officials was clear: the pyramids are safe and efforts to preserve them should be carefully considered and executed to avoid any damage to these ancient wonders.

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