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Arrr, them Democrats be havin' a fit over Biden's crew bein' a bunch o' landlubber bedwetters! Avast, ye West Wing scallywags, shape up!


Avast ye mateys! Methinks the Biden crew be whinin' about "bedwettin'" whilst the ship be sinkin'. The Democrats be feelin' ignored as they fret o'er the president's re-election. Arrr, 'tis a tale of woe fit for Davy Jones' locker!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it seems that top Democrats be havin' some trouble with the Biden campaign, arrr! They be feelin' like their concerns are bein' ignored, demandin' that the president and his crew "need to be better," ye scurvy dogs! Vice President Harris has been seekin' guidance from the party leaders on the re-election effort, as some Democrats be feelin' "sloughed off" by the White House and the campaign, arrr!One person who attended a meetin' with Harris told the media that the complaints of "bedwetting" be runnin' thin with the Democrats, especially with concerns about the 2024 election. CNN reporter Edward-Issac Dovere shared that Democrats be feelin' brushed off by Biden's inner circle, matey!Harris be wantin' to raise suggestions with the campaign team, expressin' that she be more worried about losin' to "the couch" than to Trump. Some Democrats be callin' for the veep to focus more on housing affordability and listen to good advice, arrr!Top Democratic governors be complainin' about Biden's response to the border crisis and abortion rights, as well as the campaign's failure to reach younger voters, according to CNN. A Fox News poll in February showed that registered voters be favorin' Trump over Biden in steerin' the economy and other issues, matey!Trump be holdin' a lead over Biden in various areas, includin' securin' the border and havin' the necessary health to be president. The former president be also seen as more competitive and effective, arrr! Ye ol' Fox News be contributin' to this report, matey!

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