The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be settin' sail to fortify defenses 'gainst scurvy cyber threats to our precious ports! Aye, matey!


Arrr matey, word has it that the cap'n be givin' more power to the Department of Homeland Security to fend off them fears of a scuffle with China. Best be keepin' a weather eye on them seas ahead, lest we find ourselves walkin' the plank!

Arrr! Listen up me hearties, the scallywags in charge be plannin' to give the Department of Homeland Security more power than Davy Jones himself! They be talkin' 'bout an executive order on the president's desk that'll be givin' 'em expanded powers. Ye best be watchin' yer backs, mateys, 'cause the winds be blowin' in a fierce conflict with China!
Arrr! I can already hear the cannons roarin' and the swords clinkin' as the fears of a mighty clash be growin'. The Department of Homeland Security be lookin' to be the biggest buccaneers on the seven seas, ready to defend our shores from any enemy that dare cross 'em. But beware, me hearties, for power can corrupt even the most honorable of pirates!
So batten down the hatches and prepare for a storm, me mateys. The battle may be on the horizon, but as long as we stand together, we can weather any tempest that comes our way. And remember, always keep a weather eye on the horizon, for ye never know what dangers may be lurkin' out there in the deep blue sea!

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