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Arrr, the UK court be squabbling over Assange's fate whilst the scallywag be too poorly to attend!


Arrr mateys, the scallywag Julian Assange's hearing be in London, fightin' against bein' sent to the Americas. But alas, the scurvy dog be too cowardly to show his face in court! Mayhaps he be hidin' in Davy Jones' locker instead!

In the midst of a tempestuous legal battle, the notorious Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, found himself in the clutches of the British High Court in London, grappling with the looming threat of extradition to the treacherous lands of the U.S. The gallant supporters of this Australian corsair rallied far and wide, beseeching for his release from the shackles of prison. Led by the valiant Edward Fitzgerald, Assange's legal crew argued fervently for his cause, proclaiming his noble quest for truth and justice. Should this appeal falter, the shadow of the European Court of Human Rights looms ominously on the horizon, a final refuge for this beleaguered scribe. Aye, should the fates conspire against him, the dark dungeons of Alexandria, Virginia await, with a dire sentence of up to 175 years in its accursed clutches.Amidst the tumult of legal proceedings, whispers of a dastardly plot to capture or slay Assange swirled through the courtroom, with former President Trump allegedly entangled in this nefarious scheme. While the U.S. lawyers brandished accusations of aiding and conspiring against Manning, the valiant truth-teller stood firm, his steadfast resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. As echoes of protest resounded across continents, voices rose in solidarity, championing Assange's cause and decrying the oppressive forces that sought to silence him.

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