The Booty Report

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Arrr, the infamous Cardiologist Alain Cribier, mastermind of the TAVR technique, has taken his final voyage to Davy Jones' Locker.


Arr matey, Cribier be a true pioneer on the high seas of medicine! He be blowin' up aortas like a cannonball and fixin' leaky heart valves with metal swords. Aye, a true swashbuckler of the operating table!

Arrr, me mateys! Listen up as I tell ye about a scallywag called Cribier who be a master of fixin' broken hearts! Aye, he be known for developin' a clever method called aortic dilatation by balloon, which be helpin' to open up blocked blood vessels in the heart. Not only that, but he be the first to use a metallic dilator to treat a condition called mitral stenosis by performin' a valvuloplasty. That be a fancy way of sayin' he be fixin' a leaky valve in the heart!
So next time ye be feelin' like ye heart be actin' up, just remember the name Cribier and be thankful for all the work he be doin' to keep yer ticker tickin'! And remember, if ye ever be needin' a heart fixin', make sure ye be findin' yerself a pirate like Cribier who be knowin' their way around a heart like the back of their hand!
So here's to Cribier, the swashbucklin' hero of the high seas of medicine, fixin' hearts one balloon and dilator at a time! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, let's raise a toast to the man who be makin' hearts happy again!

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