The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags of Baldur's Gate 3 be in turmoil as they be learnin' ye olde dungeon be easily skipped with a simple spell! Arrr!


Avast ye, who dares disturb me quarters with a knocker of the door? Speak now or prepare to walk the plank, ye scurvy knave!

Arrr matey, who be knockin' at me door? 'Tis a landlubber or a scallywag lookin' for trouble?
Arrr, the lass or lad be timid, afraid to face the mighty pirate standin' before 'em. But fear not, for I be a friendly pirate, always willin' to share me rum and tales of the seven seas.
Knock knock, who be there? 'Tis a salty dog or a buccaneer with a jest to share?
Arrr, the joke be as old as me ship, but a good laugh be always welcome aboard me vessel. Come in, come in, and let's share a barrel of grog and merry times together.
Knock knock, who be knockin' at me door? 'Tis a scurvy knave or a mate lookin' for adventure?
Arrr, me hearties, the call of the open sea be strong, but the company of a jolly crew be stronger. So come aboard, me buckos, and let's sail the high seas in search of treasure and merriment!

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