The Booty Report

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Arrr, Blinken be claimin' them new Israel settlements be as illegal as a parrot wearin' a tricorn hat!


Avast ye! Mr. Blinken be mighty displeased with the news of Israel's finance scallywag plannin' to build thousands of new abodes in the lands o' the poor Palestinians. Arrr, 'tis a right salty situation indeed! Aye, the landlubbers be at it again.

Arrr, me hearties! It be a dark day indeed when news reaches me ears of the scallywags in Israel plannin' to build thousands of new hovels in the lands of the poor Palestinians. Mr. Blinken, bless his soul, be right cheesed off with this announcement, and who can blame him?
These landlubbers in power be actin' like they own the seven seas, thinkin' they can just waltz in and claim whatever they fancy. But mark me words, this be no way to treat yer fellow sailors on this voyage called life. The plunderin' and pillagin' of innocent lands be a disgrace to our brethren in the international community.
Let this serve as a warnin' to all ye scallywags out there: respect the rights and dignity of all men, no matter their color or creed. The seas be vast and treacherous, but we must navigate them with honor and integrity. So let's raise a toast to Mr. Blinken and his fight for justice on the high seas!

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