The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The scallywag judge be keepin' them fancy medical scores from comin' back to life, says I!


Arrr, me hearties! News from the high seas be tellin' o' how them medical scallywags from Nepal be takin' the USMLE by storm! Their testin' center be overrun with swashbucklers seekin' their chance at glory. Aye, the tides be turnin' in their favor, me thinks!

Arrr me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! The word on the high seas be that them medical graduates from Nepal be showin' up all them other countries on the USMLE! Aye, court documents be tellin' us that these lads and lasses be outperformin' every other country in the world! Triple the examinee volume they be havin' at Nepal's single test center! Blimey!
Could it be that these Nepali swashbucklers be possessin' some secret medicine know-how that be makin' the rest of the world walk the plank? Arrr, it be a mystery worth investigatin'! The Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word like wildfire!
So all ye landlubbers and sea dogs, beware of them fierce Nepali doctors! They be a force to be reckoned with, sailin' the high seas of medicine and leavin' all other countries in their wake! Arrr, the medical world be turnin' upside down, and Nepal be at the helm!

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