The Booty Report

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Arrr, Them scallywags be losin' voters over their disdain for preventin' lil' scallywags! Avast, ye fools!


Arrr! Me hearties be sayin' that a fancy survey by Americans for Contraception be showin' that the masses be favorin' birth control! And those scallywag Republicans be walkin' the plank if they don't be supportin' access to it! Ye better believe it, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen well to this news from the land lubbers! A survey has been conducted by Americans for Contraception, and it be showin' that the people be lovin' their birth control like a pirate loves his rum! The results be clear as the sky on a clear day - the voters be ready to give those scallywag Republicans a taste of their own medicine for tryin' to block access to the pill!
It be a fierce battle on the high seas of politics, with the waves of public opinion shiftin' like the tides. Those who stand in the way of birth control be walkin' the plank of electoral defeat, mark me words! The people be demandin' their right to choose, and they be ready to make their voices heard at the ballot box!
So, me hearties, keep a weather eye on the horizon and remember - a vote for birth control be a vote for freedom! Let the winds of change blow in our favor, and may the sails of justice carry us to victory! Arrr!

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