The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy landlubbers best beware! Gout be a treacherous beast, lurkin' to unleash a horde of CVDs upon ye! Arrr!


Arrr ye listen up ye scurvy dogs! The lasses with the cursed gout be havin' a greater chance of fallin' victim to the heart plunderin' diseases than the menfolk. And the young swashbucklers be in even more danger than the landlubbers. Yarrr!

Ye scurvy landlubbers best beware! Gout be a treacherous beast, lurkin' to unleash a horde of CVDs upon ye! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The latest news be tellin' us that women sufferin' from the dreaded gout be facin' a greater risk o' heart disease than us menfolk. Aye, that be a surprise indeed! And to top it off, them younger lads and lasses be havin' an even greater risk than the ol' salts!
It be a peculiar thing, this link between gout and heart disease, but it be true as Davy Jones' locker. So if ye find yerself with a touch o' gout, ye best be keepin' a close eye on yer heart health, lest ye find yerself in a spot o' trouble.
So me hearties, take heed of this warnin' from the wise Medscape Medical News, and keep a weather eye on yer health. And remember, just 'cause ye be a swashbucklin' pirate don't mean ye be immune to the dangers o' heart disease. Take care o' yerselves, me hearties, and may yer hearts be as strong as yer rum!

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