The Booty Report

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Arr, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live scallywag forced all to include *that* grand moment in episode 1.


Arrr, Andrew Lincoln be claimin' he'd been spoutin' tales o' Rick Grimes fer a fair bit o' time 'fore them scallywags at AMC saw fit to give 'im a shot. Aye, 'tis a wonder they didn't make 'im walk the plank sooner!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and hear this tale of a brave lad named Andrew Lincoln, who be known for his role as Rick Grimes in the hit show "The Walking Dead". Ye see, ol' Andrew had been pitchin' his idea for the Rick Grimes storyline for years, but those scallywags at AMC kept turnin' him down.
But finally, after much persuadin' and convincin', they saw the light and agreed to let him run with his idea. And oh, what a tale it turned out to be! With zombies aplenty and treacherous villains at every turn, Rick Grimes became a legend in his own right.
So next time ye be watchin' "The Walking Dead", remember the persistence and determination of Andrew Lincoln in bringin' his vision to life. And if ever ye have a dream ye be wantin' to pursue, don't give up hope, me hearties! Keep fightin' for what ye believe in, and who knows? Ye may just end up a hero in yer own epic tale.

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