The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr mateys! Netflix be givin' us another round o' our favorite show with a crew o' famous scallywags on board!


Arrr mateys, the savory delight of beef hath returned to our galley! 'Tis a joyous occasion indeed, as we feast upon the succulent meat like kings of the high seas. Let us raise a tankard of grog to celebrate this bountiful bounty!

Arrr mateys! Netflix be givin' us another round o' our favorite show with a crew o' famous scallywags on board!

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers and listen up! Word on the seven seas be that beef, the most glorious of meats, be making a triumphant return to our plates and tankards. Aye, the rumors be true me hearties, beef be back and better than ever!
No longer shall we be forced to dine on measly rations of salted pork and hardtack. Nay, we shall feast like kings on juicy steaks, tender roasts, and savory burgers. The very thought of sinking our teeth into a succulent piece of beef be enough to make this old pirate's heart sing with joy.
So raise a toast to the return of beef, me fellow swashbucklers! Let the fires be stoked and the grills be hot, for we shall dine like royalty tonight. And let no man dare stand in our way, for we be a hungry crew with a taste for the finest meats in all the land.
So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the nearest butcher or tavern, for beef be back and we shall make merry like never before. Arrr, me hearties, let the feasting begin!

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