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Arrr, France's Macron be thinkin' 'bout sendin' troops to Ukraine. Shiver me timbers, what a tale!


Arrr mateys, the French President Macron be talkin' about sendin' troops to Ukraine! He be sayin' it's not off the table, savvy? The seas be gettin' choppy with all this talk of war, but we pirates will be ready for any adventure that comes our way! Aye aye, captain!

Ahoy mateys! The French President, Emmanuel Macron, gathered with other European leaders in Paris and mentioned sending Western troops to Ukraine was not "ruled out." He be sayin', "There's no consensus today to send troops officially, but nothin' can be ruled out in terms of dynamics." Macron be keepin' details about the nations considerin' sendin' troops a mystery, preferin' to maintain "strategic ambiguity."The meetin' got heated at times, with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Poland's President Andrzej Duda, and leaders from the Baltic nations present. The United States and the U.K. were also represented.Duda mentioned disagreements about sendin' troops to Ukraine, with no agreements made. Poland's president hopes for substantial ammunition shipments to Ukraine in the near future. Ukraine President Zelenskyy called on leaders to prevent Putin from expandin' his aggression.A new coalition is set to be launched to mobilize nations with missile capabilities, Macron announced, as France delivered additional cruise missiles. European nations be worried about waning U.S. support for Ukraine, especially with the prospect of Trump returnin' to the White House.The Paris conference follows bilateral agreements signed by France, Germany, and the U.K. with Ukraine to show long-term support as Kyiv seeks Western backing.

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