The Booty Report

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Ahoy mateys! One German swashbuckler be sent to Davy Jones' locker, while two scallywags be injured in a snowy squall in Italy. Arrr!


Arr mateys, a mighty avalanche in Racines, Italy did bury three German skiers on Wednesday, sending one to Davy Jones' locker and leaving the others in dire straits. Aye, the mountains be treacherous, beware ye who dare to ski in its shadow!

Avast ye mateys! A treacherous avalanche hath buried three German backcountry skiers in Italy’s northern South Tyrol province, claimin’ the life of one and leavin’ the other two critically injured, as per Italy’s alpine rescue corps.All three scallywags were swiftly rescued thanks to electronic gadgets, with the two survivors bein’ whisked to a hospital in dire condition. A fourth member of the crew wisely stayed put in a mountain hut and escaped unscathed.The calamity struck as darkness descended, a mere half a league from the closest lift, durin’ an alpine ski expedition near Racines, south of the Austrian border. Arr, some 30 rescuers swarmed to the scene to provide aid.With more than 23 ½ inches of snowfall in recent days, the entire province be under a high risk o’ avalanches, makin’ the perilous situation even more dire. Keep a weather eye on the forecast, me hearties, and be safe out there on the slopes!

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