The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr matey, the Middle East be in turmoil! Gaza be losin' more souls than a sunken ship, says the Health Ministry.


Arrr, the Gazan health ministry's count o' the dead may be a wee bit off, mateys! 'Tis mighty hard to tell who be a civilian and who be a scurvy combatant in this war against the scallywags o' Hamas. Aye, 'tis a puzzling task indeed!

Arrr matey, the scallywags in the Gazan health ministry be tryin' to count the dead from Israel's battle against Hamas, but 'tis a tricky task indeed. They be sayin' the numbers may not be tellin' the whole tale, as it be hard to tell who be a civilian and who be a swashbucklin' combatant.
But ye know what they say, ye can trust a pirate with yer gold but not with yer health stats! Arrr, the truth be buried deeper than a sunken treasure, hidden in the fog of war.
So let's raise a tankard of grog to them poor souls lost in the fray, whether they be honest landlubbers or scurvy sea dogs. May they find peace in Davy Jones' locker, far from the cannons and cutlasses of mortal men.
And remember, me hearties, when ye hear them numbers and tallies, take 'em with a pinch of salt and a yo-ho-ho. For the truth be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss in these troubled waters of war.

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