Arr mateys, the land lubbers in Nevada think lawyers should earn credits for filling poll worker gaps. Whar be the booty in that?
Arrr, the land lubbers in Nevada be havin' a hard time recruitin' poll workers for their election shenanigans. Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar be suggestin' that scurvy lawyers who lend a hand be rewarded with learnin' credits. Aye, me hearties, 'tis a fine idea indeed!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, mateys in Nevada counties be strugglin' to find poll workers in a pivotal election year. The top election official, Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar, be askin' the legal community to step in and help fill the gap. He be wantin' lawyers who volunteer at the polls to earn continuing education credits to fulfill annual requirements set by the State Bar of Nevada.Aguilar be likenin' lawyers to doctors and nurses who stepped up during the pandemic. Election officials across the land, from swing states like Michigan to conservative strongholds like Tennessee, be recruitin' lawyers and law students as poll workers in the face of challenges and hostility stemmin' from former President Donald Trump's claims of a stolen election in 2020.Poll workers be on the front lines, dealin' with disagreements and misinformation that can stir up strong emotions. After pitchin' his idea to the legal community, Aguilar be hopin' to protect election workers whom he calls "heroes of democracy" and strengthen the pipeline of full-time election workers with those versed in the law.Despite challenges in rural areas like Douglas County, where poll worker slots be short, Aguilar's initiative aims to provide a solution for the shortage of poll workers in Nevada.