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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be tellin' Congress 'bout the bilge rats spreadin' hate against our Jewish brethren on campus!


Avast ye scallywags! The landlubbers be complainin' about antisemitism at their learnin' dens. But what about the poor Muslim and Arab mateys facin' harassin' on the high seas of academia? Aye, let's give 'em all a fair shake, says I! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, at a recent powwow led by a House panel, the scallywags known as students be bemoaning their universities for not plundering the treacherous waters of antisemitism. Aye, the young scurvy dogs be crying foul, claiming the universities be turning a blind eye to the vile acts of discrimination against Jewish mates.
But hold yer horses, says an antiwar crew, for they be raising a flag and pointing out that Muslim and Arab students be facing their fair share of harassment too. Aye, it be a sticky wicket indeed, with all these lads and lasses feeling the sting of prejudice.
So, me hearties, what be the solution to this conundrum? Should the universities hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail on a quest to vanquish all forms of discrimination? Or be there a different course of action to be taken?
One thing be for certain, the seas be rough and the winds be fierce, but with a bit of wit and wisdom, perhaps these young scallywags can navigate their way to a more inclusive and fairer future for all.

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