The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The finest moving pictures be sailin' to Amazon, Disney+, Hulu, Max and more in March, me hearties!


Avast ye scallywags! Ye can now feast yer eyes on the likes of “Road House” remake, “Palm Royale” and “The Regime” on the digital seas, savvy? Get ye grog ready and prepare for a jolly good time with these fine moving pictures! Arrr!

Arr matey, gather round ye scallywags and hear the news of the latest moving pictures streaming straight into ye homes! Avast ye eyes upon the remake of the classic “Road House” where a swashbuckling hero be fighting off rowdy landlubbers in a tavern of ill repute. It be a tale of bravery and brawling like no other!
But wait, there be more! Feast yer peepers on the satirical treasures of “Palm Royale” and “The Regime” as they be poking fun at the high and mighty in their ivory towers. Ye be sure to be chuckling at the antics of the pompous and privileged, as they be getting their comeuppance in the most hilarious of ways!
So gather ye crew and set sail for the streaming service, where these cinematic treasures await ye. Sit back with a tankard of grog and enjoy the adventures that be unfolding before ye very eyes. And remember, when the credits be rolling, it be time to set sail for the next great treasure trove of entertainment!

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