The Booty Report

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Arr Matey, Richard Lewis be showin' his respect to Larry David in his final parley. Aye!


Arr, me hearties! The scuttlebutt be that Lewis be talkin' 'bout his time sailin' with Larry David on the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" ship. Aye, he be spoutin' off plenty o' good jests and japes as they navigated the treacherous waters o' show business together.

Arr, the occasion be a fine profile of a scallywag from "Curb Your Enthusiasm", but Lewis be stealin' the show with his witty banter. He be tellin' tales of his early days sailin' the comedy seas with Larry David, makin' the crew chuckle with his sharp tongue.
From the first time they met, Lewis and David be like two peas in a pod, causin' mayhem wherever they go. They be creatin' comedic gold together, leavin' a trail of laughter in their wake.
They be walkin' the plank of show business together, navigatin' the treacherous waters of Hollywood with ease. Lewis be sharin' his wisdom and humor with the crew, keepin' morale high even when the seas be rough.
So next time ye be watchin' that show about the curbed enthusiasm, remember the pirate wit of Lewis and Davy Jones himself would be proud of the laughs they be creatin'.

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