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Ye scallywags be needin' a trusty tool to screen all yer ailments across the seven seas! Yo ho ho!


Arrr! Me hearties be comparin' screening tools for SpA in a jolly good study. Turns out, there be few tools for them scallywags with uveitis or IBD, but plenty for them landlubbers with psoriasis. Shiver me timbers!

Ye scallywags be needin' a trusty tool to screen all yer ailments across the seven seas! Yo ho ho!

Arrr matey! Ye be wantin' to know 'bout them screening tools for SpA, do ye? Well, it be lookin' like there be a shortage of options for them scallywags with uveitis or IBD, compared to them landlubbers with psoriasis.
It be like searchin' for buried treasure in a vast ocean, tryin' to find the right tool for the job. Them doctors be strugglin' to find the best way to spot them signs of SpA in them patients with other conditions sailin' alongside.
Ye see, it be like tryin' to navigate a stormy sea with only a compass and no map. Them doctors be needin' more tools in their treasure chest to help 'em diagnose SpA in them patients with uveitis or IBD.
So, if ye be sufferin' from uveitis or IBD, it be lookin' like ye may have to wait a bit longer for them doctors to find the right tool to help ye out. But fear not, me hearties, for with time and perseverance, them doctors will find a way to spot SpA in all its sneaky forms.

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