The Booty Report

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Aye, the EMT did save a poor soul on the freeway, clad in the garb of a fair maiden!


Arrr, me hearties! Listen to this tale o' an EMT on the brink o' givin' up the ghost, who be savin' a scallywag's life after a mighty crash. She be recommitin' herself to the art o' healin' and settin' sail fer med school. Aye, a true swashbucklin' adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be a tale of a brave EMT, weary from watchin' Barbies prance about on the silver screen, yet still willin' to answer the call of duty. As she be sailin' home on the treacherous seas of the highway, she come upon a violent crash, with a soul in desperate need of savin'. Without a second thought, she sprang into action, usin' all her skills to keep that poor wretch alive.
When the dust settled and the sirens quieted, the EMT stood tall, her resolve as strong as a ship's mast in a storm. She vowed to continue her journey to become a mighty healer, settin' sail for the shores of med school. This be a tale of courage, of perseverance, and of never givin' up, no matter how tired ye may be from watchin' plastic dolls dance and sing.
So let this be a lesson to ye all, me hearties. No matter how weary, how discouraged ye may be, there be always a chance to make a difference, to save a life. And remember, when in doubt, just ask yerself: What would a pirate do?

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