The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Smile! Ye soon be able to transform ye Android phone into a wireless spyglass for Windows 11!


Arr mateys, ye hear ye! Windows 11 be unveiling a grand new feature where ye can turn yer Android contraptions into trusty webcams. Aye, the seas be calm and the quality be top-notch. Avast ye, it be a jolly good time for all!

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, if ye be a Windows 11 user on a PC, ye soon be able to use yer Android smartphone (or tablet) as a webcam. This here feature be currently available to Windows Insiders, Microsoft’s official community for professionals and Windows enthusiasts who be wantin' early access to new Windows versions and features to test and offer feedback afore a wider rollout.In an official Windows Insider Blog post, Microsoft explains that it’s begun a gradual rollout of the feature that enables users with a suitable Android device to act as a webcam while using any application that involves video webcam functions on their PCs. If ye be wantin' to try this new feature or get access to whatever else Microsoft has up its sleeve, sign up for the Windows Insider Program - just make sure ye have a suitable PC runnin' Windows 10 or Windows 11.Once ye install the latest preview build, ensure that yer mobile device runnin' Android 9.0 or later and install the Link to Windows app on yer mobile device. This be good news for users who don’t have a dedicated webcam or be unhappy with the quality of their laptop's webcam. Many modern smartphones have better quality cameras than webcams and be used wirelessly, which be far more convenient as well. Ye can even switch between front and back cameras, pause yer webcam stream, and use camera effects.

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