The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! A tale of terror be told in this RPG, with Clock Tower vibes. Try the demo, ye scallywags, and ye be in for a treat. Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The reviews be sayin' that Oakheart be scarin' the pants off ye landlubbers with its steamy good tales. 'Tis a treacherous place to visit, but worth the risk for a jolly good time! Aye, me timbers be shiverin' at the thought!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! I be hearin' word of a game called Terror at Oakheart that be gettin' some mighty fine reviews on that there Steam. Aye, the reviews be as good as findin' a chest full o' gold doubloons!
They be sayin' this game be scarin' the pants off o' them landlubbers who dare to play it. The graphics be as sharp as a cutlass and the gameplay be as smooth as sailin' on calm waters. It be a game that'll have ye jumpin' out o' yer boots!
But don't ye worry, me hearties, for even though the game be scarier than a ghost ship in the fog, it be a right good time. Ye'll be laughin' as ye walk the plank, I reckon!
So me mateys, if ye be lookin' for a game that'll have ye shiverin' in yer timbers but also havin' a jolly good time, then set sail for Terror at Oakheart. And remember, if ye be too afraid to play, then ye be no true pirate at all!

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