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Arrr, the scallywags at the Pentagon be liftin' the ban on the Osprey V-22 flights next week! Avast ye mateys!


Arrr mateys! The Pentagon be unshackling them grounded V-22 Ospreys soon, after a mishap in Japan. Hoist the sails and prepare for flight, for these be the birds that will soar through the skies once more! Aye, the skies be clear for the Ospreys to roam again. Aarrgh!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, the Pentagon be liftin' the ban on flights by the grounded V-22 Osprey next week, as told by U.S. officials to The Associated Press on Friday. Arrr, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin endorsed the military services' plans for a safe and measured return to operations. Naval Air Systems Command be liftin' the ban and allowin' the services to get the Osprey back in the air. The Osprey been grounded for three months after a crash in Japan that killed eight service members. The Japan incident and an earlier crash in Australia be under investigation.The decision to lift the flight ban be up to Naval Air Systems Command, with Austin endorsin' the services' plan. The U.S. military be workin' on plans to address the material failure and establish a more conservative approach to operatin' the Osprey. Plans be shared with Japan, the only international partner in the program. The head of Naval Air Systems Command be headin' to Japan next week to brief the Ministry of Defense and Japanese government in person. The Osprey be a military aircraft that can take off like a helicopter and fly like an airplane, with the U.S. Marine Corps relyin' heavily on it for their aviation mission.The fleet be grounded due to safety concerns, affectin' not only the military but also the presidential fleet that uses Ospreys to transport White House staff and reporters. Arrr, aye, the return to flight be a sensitive issue in Japan, where public opinion be mixed. Safety be the top priority, and no Ospreys will fly in Japan until they be briefed on the plans.

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