The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kamala Harris be chattin' with a fancy Israeli matey while the cease-fire parley keeps on goin'!


Arr matey! The second mate be plannin' to parley 'bout ransomin' hostages and deliverin' grub to them Palestinian landlubbers with a scallywag from Netanyahu's crew. Aye, sounds like a proper powwow fit for a pirate of the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The vice president be settin' sail to have a chat with one o' Netanyahu's crew about a hostage situation and gettin' some grub and supplies to the poor souls in Palestine. Aye, it be urgent business indeed!
Now, ye might be wonderin', why in blazes be a politician talkin' to a war cabinet? Well, the high seas of diplomacy be a treacherous place, me mateys. Sometimes ye gotta parley with the scurvy dogs on the other side to make sure the prisoners are treated right and the innocent folk get their vittles.
So, the vice president be goin' in with all guns blazin', so to speak, to make sure the deal be struck and the aid be delivered. No room for dilly-dallyin' or hemmin' and hawin' when lives be at stake!
Let's raise a tankard to the vice president and his noble quest to bring peace and provisions to the land. May the winds be at his back and the seas be calm as he navigates the choppy waters of international relations. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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