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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Kremlin be tryin' to silence Navalny's ghostly influence on the high seas! Aye, beware!


Arrr, the scurvy dogs in Russia be slandering the mighty Aleksei A. Navalny with such ferocity, it be clear he be a thorn in their side. Even in death, they be quakin' in their boots at his influence. Avast, nothin' be changin' in that land of tyranny!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs of the Russian authorities be treatin' the opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny with a viciousness fit for Davy Jones's locker! They be spreadin' lies and slander 'bout him, makin' him out to be a scallywag more influential than they be willin' to admit.
But alas, even in death, the legacy of Navalny lives on like a ghost ship hauntin' the seas. The Russian authorities be still tryin' to tarnish his name, as if he be a cursed treasure they be tryin' to bury in the depths of the ocean.
Me mateys, it be a sad tale of tyranny and injustice on the high seas of politics. But fear not, for the spirit of Navalny be sailin' on, inspirein' others to stand up to the powers that be and fight for what be right.
So let us raise our tankards of grog to the memory of Aleksei A. Navalny, a true buccaneer who dared to challenge the might of the Russian empire. May his legacy continue to shine like a beacon in the darkness, guidin' us on our own voyages of defiance and rebellion against the forces of oppression.

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