The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be free after causin' a ruckus at Haiti's grandest brig! Aye, the plunderin' continues! Arrr!


Arrr, the raid on the dungeon be but the newest in a series of rowdy escapades by scallywags bent on ridding the seas of the prime minister! Aye, let the brigands have their fun, but mark me words, the crown will have its revenge!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywags be at it again, wreakin' havoc on the streets! The assault on the prison be just the latest in a long line of violent episodes staged by these gangs of miscreants. They be swearin' to oust the prime minister, like a bunch of landlubbers on a mutinous ship!
Ye best be lockin' up yer treasure and keepin' a weather eye out for these ruffians. They be causin' more trouble than a ship full of drunken sailors in a storm! The prime minister better be hoistin' the main sail and preparin' for a rough ride ahead.
But fear not, me hearties! We be standin' strong against these scurvy dogs. We be fightin' back with all the cannons we got. We be showin' 'em what it means to mess with the wrong crew! So batten down the hatches and prepare for battle, for we be takin' back our streets and our freedom!

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