The Booty Report

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Arrr! Nikki Haley be squawking like a parrot, backtracking on her vow to stand by the Republican matey.


Arrr, me hearty Ms. Haley be talkin' like a scallywag, suggestin' she be free from honorin' the R.N.C.'s commitment. But beware, ye can't just sail away from the primary debates like a ship in the night! Aye, the code must be followed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up to this tale of treachery and trickery on the high seas of politics. The lass known as Ms. Haley be hintin' that she be breakin' the promise she made to the R.N.C. to partake in the primary debates. Aye, she be suggestin' that she no longer be feelin' bound to honor the commitment she made to them scallywags.
Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be such a big deal. Well, ye see, the R.N.C. be makin' it a rule for all candidates to agree to participate in the debates if they want to have a chance at winnin' the election. But now, Ms. Haley be throwin' a spanner in the works and causin' a bit of a stir among the crew.
So, me hearties, keep a weather eye on the horizon, for the winds of politics be ever-changin' and ye never know when a politician might decide to jump ship and go against their word. And remember, in the world of politics, it be every scallywag for themselves!

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