The Booty Report

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The scurvy judge be denyin' us the loot of information, aye, we be in murky waters now, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! A judge from Alabama hath put a stop to the government's nosy ways in tryin' to suss out money launderers. He be cryin' foul on the Congress for stickin' their noses where they don't belong. 'Tis a right scandal, says he!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! A judge in Alabama has put a stop to the government's plans to collect company ownership information to track down money launderers. He be sayin' that this be a case of Congress stickin' their nose where it don't belong, arrr!
Ye see, the Treasury Department wanted to be collectin' this data to help 'em catch them sneaky money launderers, but the judge be sayin' that this be goin' too far. He be givin' the government a good ol' slap on the wrist and tellin' 'em to mind their own business, arrr!
So, now the government be havin' to find another way to catch them scurvy dogs who be tryin' to hide their ill-gotten gains. But ye can bet yer booty that they won't be givin' up that easy. The battle between the government and the pirates of the financial world be far from over, arrr!

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