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Arr matey! Pompeo be cryin' foul on Biden for repeatin' Obama's blunders in settlin' in Judean lands! Aye!


Arrr matey! President Biden be takin' heat from ol' Secretary Pompeo for denyin' them Jewish Israelis the right to settle in Israel's sacred lands. Methinks there be a storm brewin' in the political waters! Arrr!

In the realm of Jerusalem, the decision by the Biden administration to revoke the "Pompeo Doctrine" regarding Jewish residences in the Holy Land has sparked intense backlash. This move came amid Israel's ongoing offensive in Gaza against Hamas terrorists. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized Biden for disregarding the truth that Judea and Samaria belong to Israel, viewing them as obstacles to peace. He emphasized that it is the Palestinians' refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and the atrocities committed by Hamas that hinder peace.Pompeo's stance on Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria, known biblically, clashed with the Biden administration's view that settlements are barriers to peace. US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller defended Biden's decision, citing a longstanding belief that settlements weaken Israel's security. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs refrained from commenting on this matter.Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman condemned the reversal of the Pompeo Doctrine, asserting that Jews living in their biblical homeland is legal. Republican lawmakers expressed outrage over Biden's decision, accusing it of appeasing radical elements and undermining a close ally.UN Security Council Resolution 242 does not mandate Israel's withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, which Israeli governments consider disputed territory. The Pompeo Doctrine's introduction in 2019 was welcomed by the Israeli government, aligning with their view of the region.The Biden administration's review of the legality of settlements in Judea and Samaria is part of efforts to establish lasting peace in the region and clarify the US stance on the matter.

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