The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, why be there no booty for the finest jiggin' on the silver screen? 'Tis a travesty of the highest order!


Arr matey, the swashbucklers of Hollywood be dancin' up a storm, yet they be forgotten when it comes to claimin' their rightful booty at the awards. Aye, those scallywags be needin' to give credit where it's due!

Arrr matey, in the land of Hollywood, there be a plenty of fancy footwork on the silver screen. But alas, the swashbucklers who be creatin' these fantastical dances be gettin' no recognition at the awards ceremonies. It be a travesty, I tell ye!
These dancin' buccaneers be pourin' their hearts and souls into their craft, creatin' mesmerizin' routines that take our breath away. Yet, when it come time to hand out the shiny trophies, they be left empty-handed, like a ship without a sail.
It be a shame, me hearties, that these talented dancers and choreographers be toilin' away in the shadows, while the actors and directors be walkin' the plank to collect their prizes. If only the powers that be would open their eyes to the true treasures that be hidden in the world of dance.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to the unsung heroes of Hollywood, the dancers who be bringin' magic to the silver screen. May their talents be recognized and celebrated, like the jewels they truly be. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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