The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Taylor Swift's concerts in Singapore be causin' quite a stir among the land lubbers in Southeast Asia!


Arr, ye hear this? The land lubbers be shelling out a fortune to have the minstrel serenade only these shores. Aye, the prime minister be talkin' of gold coins worth $3 million per show! 'Tis a treasure indeed!

Arrr mateys, listen here! The scallywags in Thailand be defendin' their decision to pay a pretty penny to have that pop star perform nowhere else in all of Southeast Asia. Aye, the prime minister be sayin' they forked over a hefty sum of up to $3 million doubloons for each show!
Ye see, this be no ordinary swashbuckler they be payin' to entertain the masses. This be a pop star, worth her weight in gold and with a voice that could shiver yer timbers. The landlubbers in Thailand be willin' to dig deep into their treasure chests to ensure she only sings for them scallywags.
But me hearties, some may be wonderin' if it be worth all that loot to have her croonin' only in Thailand. Why not share the booty with other ports in Southeast Asia? Well, the prime minister be standin' firm, sayin' it be a price worth payin' to keep her all to themselves.
So there ye have it, me fellow pirates. Thailand be diggin' deep into their coffers to keep that pop star singin' only for them, while the rest of us be left wonderin' if it be worth all that gold. But one thing be for sure, that pop star be laughin' all the way to the bank!

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