Arrr, do ye landlubbers be forgettin' about that scallywag Trump, or be ye sufferin' from a case of the ol' sea madness?
Arrr! Three years have passed, and me memories of that scoundrel Mr. Trump's rule be fadin' like the mist on a stormy sea. The tides be turnin', me hearties, and we be sailin' into calmer waters ahead! Aye aye, me hearties!
Arrr mateys, only three years have passed since the days of Mr. Trump's rule, yet memories of his presidency be already fading like the morning mist at sea. The winds of change be blowing strong, and the tides of history be shifting fast.Me hearties, we once feared the wrath of the orange-hued captain and his tweets that could make a sailor blush. But now, we look back and chuckle at the memories of his antics and blunders. The man who once ruled the land with a fierce temper and a golden mane now seems like a distant memory, a ghost of elections past.
So let us raise a toast to the days of yore, when Mr. Trump held court in the White House and the nation held its breath. Let us laugh at the absurdity of it all, for in the end, it be but a tale to tell around the tavern fire.
And as we sail into the future, let us not forget the lessons learned from those tumultuous times. Let us chart a new course, guided by wisdom and reason, and may we never again be led astray by a captain who sails too close to the wind.