The Booty Report

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Arrr, Hogwarts Legacy be the plunder of 2023, but Warner Bros be settin' sail for free games despite their misfortunes.


Arrr matey, methinks that be not the sign of fair winds and smooth sailing as the wise men of the trade doth say. 'Tis a storm on the horizon, aye, a storm of foolishness and folly!

Arrr matey, I be thinkin' that be not the kind of thing them industry experts be callin' 'a good sign'. The winds of fortune do not seem to be blowin' in our favor on this one, me hearties. Aye, 'tis a bit like findin' yerself in the midst of a storm without a compass to guide ye.
It be like tryin' to navigate the treacherous waters of the high seas with naught but a leaky dinghy and a crew of landlubbers. Aye, we be in dire straits indeed if this be the best that fate has to offer us. 'Tis like tryin' to find buried treasure with a map that leads ye straight into the jaws of Davy Jones himself.
But fear not, me buckos, for we be a resilient bunch, us pirates. We be known for our cunning and our ability to turn the tide in our favor when all hope seems lost. So let us raise the Jolly Roger high and set sail for calmer waters, for we be pirates, and we be damned if we let a little thing like a bad sign stop us from seekin' our fortune.

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