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Biden be takin' heat for his Middle East ways, some scallywags claim he be stoppin' Israel's triumph. Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Biden be cryin' for a truce in Israel's battle with them scurvy Hamas villains, but some scallywags be wonderin' if he be betrayin' the land of the chosen people. Avast, what be next in this tale of political piracy?

In the realm of the salty sea dogs, President Biden was a bit wishy-washy when asked about his matey, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying it's "like it’s always been." Aye, but many, including former President Trump, be cryin' that Biden be abandonin' Israel.Trump himself claimed that Biden be leavin' Israel high and dry. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been pressurin' Israel to agree to a quick six-week cease-fire with them scallywags from Hamas, in exchange for the release of over 130 hostages held in Gaza.Caroline Glick, an expert on the Middle East, be sayin' that Biden's policies be makin' it hard for Israel to win against the scurvy dogs of Hamas. Some military experts be warnin' that a cease-fire could be the first step to lettin' Hamas gain more power, instead o' crushin' 'em once and for all.Biden be pushin' for this cease-fire before Ramadan starts, claimin' the Israelis have agreed to it. Yet, the Egyptians be sayin' the talks be nearin' a watery grave, and Hamas be refusin' the deal. It be a right mess, with accusations flyin' around that Biden's crew be favorin' Hamas and goin' against Israel.

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