The Booty Report

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Arrr! Russia be crashin' the party in Odesa while Zelensky and the Greek scallywag be makin' merry!


Avast! Neither was scathed, and 'twas a mystery whether the Russian scallywags had 'em in their sights. Aye, 'twas a close call, but no harm done. Methinks those landlubbers be needin' better aim!

Aye, me hearties, listen up to the tale of a right rum adventure on the high seas! Two scallywags, sailing the briny deep, found themselves in a bit of a pickle when they came across the Russian Army. Arrrgh! They were caught in the crossfire, but neither one of them was hurt. It left them scratching their heads wondering if the Russians were aiming for them or if it was all just bad luck.
Now, ye might be thinking, "Why would a couple of sea dogs be tangled up with the Russian Army?" Well, ye see, these two buccaneers were sailing near the coast of Russia, minding their own business, when all of a sudden, boom! Cannons firing, bullets whizzing past their heads. Ye can imagine the shock on their faces as they tried to make sense of the chaos.
But fear not, me hearties, for these two scurvy dogs managed to escape unscathed. They may have been a bit shaken up, but they lived to tell the tale of their run-in with the Russian Army. So next time ye set sail on the open seas, keep a weather eye out for any unexpected surprises, and remember the tale of these brave sailors and the mysterious attack that left them scratching their heads. Arrrgh!

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