The Booty Report

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FDA be givin' thumbs up to some fancy new potion that be likin' another potion, arrr!


Arrr, Denosumab-bddz be given the nod to swap in fer the fancy original, no need to bother the scurvy prescriber. Tis the law of the land, mateys! Aye, the biosimilar be free to sail the seas on its own accord. A fine tale from Medscape Medical News, arrr!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have news from the landlubbers at Medscape Medical News. They be sayin' that a new medicine called Denosumab-bddz has been granted the status of interchangeability. What does that mean, ye ask? Well, it means that this here biosimilar can be swapped out for the original product without botherin' the prescriber, as long as the state laws allow it.
Arrr, ain't that a fine piece o' news! Now ye don't have to be botherin' yer doctor every time ye need a refill on yer meds. Just ask for the new one and ye be good to go. So next time ye be headin' to the apothecary, remember to mention Denosumab-bddz and see if it be right for ye.
So there ye have it, me hearties. A bit o' good news in the world o' medicine. Now go forth and pillage... I mean, heal yerselves with this newfangled biosimilar. And remember, always follow the laws o' the land when makin' yer substitutions. Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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