The Booty Report

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Arrr! The X-Men scallywag be too weary to make a cameo in Deadpool 3. Aye, the toll be mental!


Arrr, me mateys! Vinnie Jones be claimin' he turned down roles in Deadpool n' Wolverine. Methinks he be missin' out on some treasure! Perhaps he be too busy countin' his doubloons! Aarrrr!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of a scallywag named Vinnie Jones, who claims he turned down the opportunity to join the ranks of Deadpool and Wolverine! Aye, ye heard me right! This daring pirate be too busy with his own adventures to set sail with those comic book heroes!
But let me tell ye, this Vinnie Jones be no ordinary landlubber. Nay, he be a fierce warrior on the silver screen, known for his roles in action films and TV shows. Aye, he be a true swashbuckler, with a heart as black as the deepest, darkest sea!
So why did this bold buccaneer turn down such a grand opportunity, ye may ask? Well, some say 'twas because he be too busy counting his pieces of eight, while others whisper that he be too proud to share the screen with such famous scallywags. But whatever the reason, we can all agree that Vinnie Jones be a pirate like no other, with a swagger and a smirk that could make even the bravest of sailors shake in their boots!

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