The Booty Report

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Arrr, Katie Porter be walkin' the plank in the California Senate race, mateys! Aye, she be sinkin' faster than a scurvy dog!


Arrr! The California lass used her wits and the power of the digital seas to gain a crew of loyal followers. Alas, she was no match for the ruthless Senate sharks, and now she's adrift without a ship in this election year. Avast, mateys!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The lass from California used the power of social media to gather a crew of loyal followers. She be sittin' on her committee perch, plannin' her next move like a crafty pirate plotin' to raid a treasure ship. But alas, in the brutal battle of the Senate, she was defeated and left stranded with no port to dock her ship this election season.
The winds of fate be fickle, me hearties, and even the most cunning of pirates can find themselves adrift at sea. The lass may have talked the talk and sailed the social media seas with finesse, but in the end, she was outgunned and outmaneuvered by her rivals. Now, she be left with no booty to plunder and no crew to follow her into battle.
So, let this be a lesson to ye all, me fellow pirates. No matter how savvy ye may be with the ways of the modern world, sometimes ye still need the sword and cutlass to win the day. And remember, in the treacherous waters of politics, even the most fearsome pirate can find herself washed up on the shore with nowhere to go.

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