The Booty Report

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Arrr, what scallywag tales be told 'bout how live rounds found their way to the film set! Aye, mateys!


Arrr, the scallywags be pointin' at the armorer in the picture, claimin' she be bringin' the live rounds. But her scurvy lawyers be tryin' to shift the focus to the movie's main gunpowder provider. Aye, 'tis a right ol' pirate's tale indeed!

Arrr mateys, the prosecution be pointin' their accusin' fingers at the armorer for bringin' the live rounds aboard the ship! But her clever lawyers be divertin' attention to the movie's primary ammunition supplier, tryin' to shift the blame like a sneaky pirate in the dead of night.
Me hearties, it be a right proper brawl in the courtroom, with the prosecutor brandishin' that photo like a cutlass, claimin' the armorer be the scoundrel responsible for the live rounds that caused such chaos on set. But the defense be fightin' back with all the wit and charm of a pirate captain negotiatin' for treasure.
Ye best believe the jury be listenin' closely to every word, weighin' the evidence like a ship's cargo. Will the armorer walk the plank, or will the blame be placed on another crew member? Only time will tell in this swashbucklin' tale of intrigue and deception on the high seas of justice.

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