The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! The new Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC be a jolly adventure for all ye Inklings and Octolings!


Avast ye scallywags! Prepare yer weaponry as ye ascend the mighty Spire of Order and restore the vibrant hues to Inkopolis Square. Aye, get crafty with yer accoutrements and show those landlubbers what ye be made of! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The new Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC be a jolly adventure for all ye Inklings and Octolings!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye landlubbers! The Spire of Order be waitin' for brave souls to take on its challenge and restore colour to Inkopolis Square. But beware, for the journey be treacherous and ye need to be crafty with yer loadout.
Ye must be strategic in choosin' yer weapons and gear as ye climb the spire. Will ye be a sharpshooter with a blunderbuss? Or a swashbuckler with a cutlass in hand? The choice be yers, but choose wisely, for the Spire be full of foes ready to thwart yer plans.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be no challenge too great for a pirate like yerself. Use yer wits and skills to outsmart the enemies and claim victory at the top of the spire. And remember, a little bit of humour and mischief can go a long way in winnin' battles.
So gather yer crew, polish yer weapons, and set sail for the Spire of Order. Let's show those scallywags who the true rulers of Inkopolis Square be. Arrr!

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