The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Orban's foes were ambushed by a swindler and a Trump-loving scallywag. Shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys! A sneaky plot to trap and shame those connected to rights groups in Hungary be stirring up trouble and fanning the flames of accusations of democracy goin' backwards in the land. Aye, tis a scandalous tale indeed!

Arr matey, listen up ye scurvy dogs! There be some sneaky scallywags in Hungary tryin' to trap and shame those fightin' for rights! It be like a secret mission straight out of a pirate's playbook, aimed at bringin' down those who be standin' up for what be right!
But ye see, this be causin' quite a stir among the locals. They be cryin' foul and claimin' that their democracy be slippin' away faster than a greased pig on a hot day! It be like watchin' a ship sinkin' in a storm, with no one at the helm to steer her back on course.
So me hearties, we must keep a weather eye on this situation in Hungary. We must be vigilant and ready to lend a hand to those who be fightin' the good fight. For if we let these scoundrels get away with their dirty tricks, who knows what other liberties they'll be takin' from us next!

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