The Booty Report

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Ye landlubbers from America be warned! The scurvy dogs in Moscow be plottin' mischief. Keep clear of the bilge rats!


Arrr mateys, ye best be keepin' a weather eye out in Moscow, for them scurvy dogs be plannin' some mischief for the next 48 hours. Stay safe and watch yer back as ye roam the streets, savvy? Arrr!

The U.S. State Department's embassy in Moscow warned American citizens to steer clear of large gatherings in the capital city due to potential attacks by extremists. They are keeping a close eye on reports of planned attacks on events like concerts in the next 48 hours. The embassy advised residents to avoid crowds, keep an eye on local news, and stay alert to their surroundings in light of the increased threat.After Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the State Department has consistently urged Americans in Russia to take safety measures. In February 2023, they ordered all U.S. citizens in Russia to leave immediately, citing heightened risks of wrongful detentions. The department bluntly told Americans not to travel to Russia due to the precarious situation.Concerns about financial transactions and arbitrary arrests were also highlighted, with warnings that U.S. debit or credit cards may not work in Russia, and transferring funds electronically has become more challenging due to sanctions. The embassy emphasized the risks faced by American citizens in Russia, including unfair treatment, secret trials, and lack of credible evidence in legal proceedings.

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