The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey, Theresa May be walkin' the plank for the last time! No more election battles for her!


Arrr, the ye olde Conservative Party scallywag, whose reign be plagued by the Brexit tempest, be settin' sail after 27 years in the Parliament. Fair winds and following seas to her in her future endeavors, may she find calm waters ahead.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have some news to be sharin' with ye. The veteran Conservative Party lawmaker, who be dealin' with more Brexit trouble than a ship caught in a storm, be announcin' her retirement after 27 long years in Parliament. Aye, she be hangin' up her hat and sailin' off into the sunset, leavin' many a pirate wonderin' what the future be holdin'.
But fear not me mateys, for the seas be full of new adventures and opportunities. As one chapter be closin', another be openin' for the brave souls who be willin' to take the helm and steer the ship in a new direction. So batten down the hatches and prepare to set sail on a new course, for the winds of change be blowin' in our favor.
Let us raise a toast to the retirein' lawmaker, wishin' her fair winds and followin' seas in her future endeavors. And let us look to the horizon with optimism and excitement, ready to face whatever challenges may come our way. For we be pirates, me hearties, and there be no storm we cannot weather nor treasure we cannot find. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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