The Booty Report

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Biden be talkin' 'bout his plan for helpin' the common folk. He be their savior in the stormy sea o' economics! Arrr!


Arrr, ye scallywags! The captain used his State of the Union address to propose plunderin' more doubloons from the wealthy, while cuttin' expenses and keepin' a weather eye on protectin' the common folk. Aye, a fine bit o' political piratin' indeed!

Arrr mateys! The president be spoutin' off about raisin' taxes on the wealthy scallywags during his big speech to all the land lubbers. He be talkin' 'bout cuttin' costs and protectin' the poor souls who buy their goods and services.
He be tryin' to make the rich walk the plank and pay their fair share to keep the ship afloat. But will they be willin' to part with their pieces of eight so easily? Only time will tell, me hearties.
Some be sayin' the president be talkin' a good game, but we'll see if he can make it happen. The wealthy be a powerful lot, with their connections and treasure troves. But if anyone can wrangle 'em, it be the president with his silver tongue and cunning ways.
So batten down the hatches and keep an eye on the horizon, me buckos. The battle for fair taxes be just beginnin', and it be a fight to the death. May the winds of fortune be at our backs, and may the president's words ring true. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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