The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! The scallywags in Iran be up to no good - killin', torturin', and rapin'! Aarrgghh!


Arrr! A crew of scallywags be investigatin' the ruckus after the unfortunate passin' of Mahsa Amini. They be findin' nothin' but cruelty and refusin' to believe the tall tale spun by the scurvy dogs in Iran. Aye, the truth be out there, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Aye, a fact-finding mission be lookin' into the ruckus that ensued after the unfortunate death of Mahsa Amini. And what they found be nothin' but pure brutality, ye hear me? The lot of 'em be rejectin' Iran's version of Ms. Amini's demise.
Them landlubbers be tryin' to spin a yarn about how she met her end by accident, but we ain't buyin' it! The truth be as clear as the Caribbean waters on a sunny day - there be foul play afoot! The authorities be tryin' to cover their tracks like a pirate buryin' his treasure, but we be seein' right through their scheme.
So, me hearties, let's raise the Jolly Roger and demand justice for Mahsa Amini! We won't rest until the scoundrels responsible for her untimely departure be held accountable. Let this be a warning to all those who think they can get away with such heinous acts - the pirates of the sea won't stand for it!

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