Avast ye mateys! A grand night ahead, but will it matter in the mornin'? Arrr!
Arrr mateys, mark me words! There be only one more chance for Biden to address such a vast crowd before Election Day be upon us. Avast ye, and listen well to his words!
Arrr me hearties, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The time be nigh for the land lubbers to cast their votes and choose the next leader of this here nation. Biden, he be havin' only one more chance to speak to such a vast crowd afore the day of reckoning be upon us.He best be makin' sure his words be ringin' true and clear like the sound of a cannon blast on the high seas. For this be no time for flimflam or fancy talkin', but a time for straight shootin' and honest dealin'.
So let Biden raise his flag high and let his words be like gold doubloons in the ears of the people. Let him rally his crew and steer the ship of state towards calmer waters and fairer winds.
And let us all raise a tankard of grog to the man who would be captain, and may his words be as strong as the rum in our bellies. For on Election Day, there be no room for error, and only the truest hearts and sharpest tongues shall prevail.