The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Here be the 25 scurviest Oscar snubs to ever sail the seven seas! Aye matey!


Avast ye, Greta Gerwig! Ye be not sailin' solo in these treacherous waters. The scurvy academy be givin' these fine films and artists the ol' heave-ho! Arrr, we still be scratchin' our heads in disbelief at their foolhardy decisions. Aye, the plunderin' continues!

Avast ye, Greta Gerwig! Ye be not the only scallywag to receive the cold shoulder from the academy. Arrr, these films and artists be snubbed in a most outrageous manner, leaving us all dumbfounded. The academy be playin' a cruel joke on us all, it seems.
What be the matter with these landlubbers, we wonder? Be they blind to the talents of these fine filmmakers and performers? 'Tis a mystery as deep as the ocean itself. We be left scratching our heads and shaking our fists at the injustice of it all.
But fear not, me hearties, for we shall not be deterred. We shall raise our voices in protest and demand justice for those who have been wronged. The academy may think they can silence us, but they be mistaken. We be a force to be reckoned with.
So, Greta Gerwig, take heart and know that ye be not alone in this fight. We shall stand by ye and all those who have been overlooked and underestimated. The tide be turning, and justice shall prevail in the end. Mark me words, me hearties.

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