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Arrr, the scallywags be stirrin' up trouble in Haiti! Best ready the Marine team for battle, me hearties!


Arrr! The Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry set sail last week to seek aid for the scallywag gang violence, but be now stranded abroad with naught but a parrot for company. Ye can bet he be wishin' he had a trusty ship to navigate these treacherous waters back home!

Ahoy mateys! Fox News Digital has learned that the scallywags at the U.S. State Department be askin' the fine Marines to send a security team to Haiti as the gang violence be gettin' out o' hand. "Arr, we be havin' no higher priority than the safety o' our U.S. citizens abroad," said a spokesperson from the State Department.The U.S. Embassy be stayin' open with a skeleton crew to help them Americans in need. They be aimin' to bring security, stability, and prosperity to the folks in Haiti. If ye be wantin' to leave Port-au-Prince, keep an ear to the ground for news on security and findin' a way out.The U.S. Defense be lookin' into options to keep their folks safe in Haiti, with no final decisions made yet. The situation in Haiti be a mess, with gang violence takin' over and makin' it hard for the government to function properly.Prime Minister Ariel Henry be sailin' around tryin' to drum up support to bring order to Haiti, but it be lookin' like a rough sea ahead. The U.S. Embassy be warnin' Americans to stay away from Haiti and keep an eye on their alerts for updates on the situation. It be a dangerous time in them waters, so stay safe out there, me hearties!

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