The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! These Oscar snubs be stirring up a storm among our scallywag readers! Arrr!


Avast ye Academy scallywags! Me heart be heavy with the grievous oversights of passin' up "Brokeback Mountain" and forgettin' the talented Amy Adams in "Arrival." 'Tis a scandalous affair that still rankles me to this very day! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! Methinks the scurvy dogs at the Academy be havin' a few screws loose in their noggins! How dare they pass over such fine films as “Brokeback Mountain” and ignore the talented lass Amy Adams in “Arrival”! 'Tis a travesty that still be stingin' me to me very core!
Ye see, the Academy be a fickle beast, beholden to whims and fancy that be as unpredictable as the winds on the high seas. They be makin' decisions that leave us all scratchin' our heads and wonderin' if they be drinkin' too much grog!
But fear not, me hearties! We be standin' strong and true, championin' the films and performances that truly be deservin' of recognition. We be raisin' our voices in protest and demandin' that the Academy be takin' a good hard look at themselves and fixin' their ways.
So let us raise a toast to all the fine films and actors who have been wronged by the Academy, and let us never forget the injustices that have been done. Arrr, we be fightin' for what be right in the world of cinema!

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